I am Jing Liu, I really want to testify how I am healed through healing prayer by God’s grace.

I gave birth to my second baby in May 2018. But after that, my body became weaker and weaker, dizzy, body ache, abnormal chills and particularly tired. Because of this my heart became tormented and I was really desperate. Meanwhile, Elim invited me to go to Elim prayer. To be honest, I couldn’t open my mouth. I felt desperate and could feel the bitter taste in my stomach. But when I went to Elim office, I was surrounded by Elim staff, I listen to the lecture with them and prayed with them. The strength of my heart is recovering little by little.

One morning last week, I received a little wind, and then I trembled coldly. The temperature was 30 degrees in the daytime. Everyone wore short sleeves but I was wearing a down jacket. I still had a winter quilt at night. It was still cold and trembling, I was tossing and turning all night and I went to Elim the next day (Thursday). I really hoped to get a little help. I really appreciate the preparation of the Lord. Minister Esther listened to my sharing and she did healing prayer for me. When we prayed, I didn’t have any special feeling. But inside of my heart, I felt deeply loved and also my back felt warm. After prayer, the minister shared two visions with me, comforted me that God is working and encouraged me to open my mouth to cry out. Also, the minister shared some of her own experiences which gave me a lot of testimony and hope. At that time, I was just soaking the communication of love. I didn’t pay much attention to the changes in my body. When I got home in the afternoon, the body had no longer cold shivers and during the night, I didn’t need to cover with the quilt.

I am so grateful to God. Before I could not imagine when I would be healed since I had suffered this for a long time. After I received healing prayer from Elim minister, I was immediately healed,  this truly glave me the faith to fight, and also build confidence in love. Thanks so much for Elim members’ support and prayers.